In February 2016 Jack and Joanne delivered our first batch of homemade limequat marmalade for the new year. They also...
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- Welcome home, Kyley
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- The 2016 Centerpoint Christian Fellowship Hoedown
- First Batch of Marmalade This Year!
- A new wagon by Dalton Dowdy has arrived!
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- The 2015 Centerpoint Christian Fellowship Hoedown
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- The 2013 Centerpoint Christian Fellowship Hoedown
- A Celebration of Life
- Summer is Almost Over!
- 2012 Gator Wesley Fall Festival
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First Batch of Marmalade This Year!

A new wagon by Dalton Dowdy has arrived!

In January 2016, Dalton Dowdy, a master builder of farm wagons and carriages delivered a new wagon to Fair Oaks. ...

Summer is Almost Over!

The Sunshine State has not been really living up to that name this summer. In fact, it has been an...

Summer at Fair Oaks

Just a few pictures taken at Fair Oaks this past summer. Some more pictures are coming soon!

Simply enjoy…
Once here, you are sure to enjoy Fair Oaks… in your very own way. This place seems to be so...

Planting Days 2011

On February 11 through 13, we enlisted friends new and old for a major native planting at Fair Oaks. Tyler...

Some pictures from the past
As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” These photographs of Fair Oaks were taken a few...

Where the colorful flower grows…

Beautiful flowers have been a muse of many artists and poets! Given here is a beautiful flower poem by Rick...

Scalloping | Bird Island 2011

Luis, Mark, Rick and Sebastian took a boys’ weekend trip to Bird Island a couple weeks ago. They said they...

Evinston Paint Out

(April 11-16, 2011) Hosted By the Wood & Swink Preservation Society (All Proceeds Are Used to Restore and Protect the...

The Sprit of Fair Oaks

On a beautiful February day in 2011, we opened a surprise shiny gold wrapped package from Diana Kavanaugh.. It contained...

The Giant Magnolia is Gone

The lightning bolt that struck her nine years ago could not have imagined that she could survive it. Looking at...